Presley Leah Allen was born on November 18th at 3:19pm. She weighed 8 pounds 5 1/2 ounces and was 19 3/4 inches tall!
We are so happy to have Presley as an addition to our family. We have had almost a full 24 hours with her and already have a great bond. She is just a happy baby and has taken to nursing really well. She has been eating like a hoss, but has decided in the past few hours sleep is more important than eating. We are keeping our fingers crossed that she doesn't get used to a daytime sleeping routine!
Tasha is doing great and has already been up and walking around the hospital. She was great throught the whole birthing process. We are looking forward to retuning home tomorrow!
Thanks to Gram, Mama Sharon, Sharalee, Aunt Beth, Pop, and countless others for their love and support!