Thursday, November 1, 2007

Just a Few of Emery's Favorite Things...

It is amazing how such simple things bring so much JOY to children!! I love to watch Emery's face as she discovers new things. These are just a few of the things that make Emery very HAPPY!!

1. Story Time ... At the Library and at home we take turns reading to each other

2. Playing at the Park

3. Going for walks... In Emery's case "runs" I almost have to run to keep up with her

4. Going to Publix... Free Cookies!! (she knows what it's all about)

5. Cleaning .... No Joke!! She "hep you keen" all the time!!

6. Food!!

7. Talking on the phone to Mama Sharon and Papa Howie and the fam

8. Singing/Dancing ...

9. Wearing Bows ... She loves to go look at herself in the mirror after I fix her hair

10. Telling Jokes with Daddy ... Emery always says "Woka-Woka" and laughs

11. Food!! When Emery wants to eat she says "Mama I eat sumpin'!?!"

12. Playing with her cousins

13. Visiting Gram and Pop

14. Coloring

15. Playing with friends

16. People ... Emery says "HI" to Everyone

17. Animals ... Especially dogs!!

18. Bath Time ... she loves the water!! Too bad Swim season is over!!

19. Blankie and Lovey ... Can't sleep without them!!

20. Jumping in Puddles ... Emery Loves it when it rains!!

NOTE: Yes I did mention food twice!! Emery loves to eat. She loves the Toddler staples Mac n Cheese, PB&J, Spaghetti, Cereal, Cheese, Candy, Cookies. But I think she is a very good eater considering that she is 2 and some of her favorites also include tomatoes, peas, broccoli, green beans, and any kind of fruit!!